
During the process of me writing my essay, I took some time to reflect on the previous writing assignments the blog posts we were assigned to do. As I was writing the essay, I thought about the blog posts, such as the ones that focused on the MLK, Nelson Mandela and Amazing Grace readings and connected those to my topic of income inequality and other things like the disadvantages of a class-based society and the uneven distribution of wealth, and society in general and each person’s role in it. I learned through my own writing, reading more about my topic and reflecting on my own experiences with my main topic of my paper that the world’s issues are dynamic in some ways, but quite static in others. For example, in the age of the internet, we can access information and news across the entire world, but still many of these issues do not see the light of day by the public eye, while small groups of people may see some problems that societies are facing, whether it be in our country or some other, and be vocal about it through gathering with others and making that issue well represented and needing to be addressed soon. The construction of this essay was odd at points, as at many points I wondered where I would go on to continue writing to make the paper somehow coherent throughout its entirety. Although as I stepped away from it, the time spent away ended up helping to have fresh ideas to write about. Also, talking with my friends and peers about my paper and what I was writing about helped give me ideas of what to write about. In the end, I am satisfied with my finished product and I believe it is an accurate summary of what I ended up learning throughout the months of taking this course.  


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